
50th Committee Congress of UFE

Oct 5 2022 by

The 50th committee congress of UFE took place in Luxembourg on the 14th to 16th of september, 2022. Besides many guests, the UFE committee was happy to welcome the finance minister of Luxembourg, Yuriko Backes, to the conference. In her speech she assured to act strongly towards tax justice.

The committee elected the new presiding board and discharged the old in unison. Florian Köbler was reelected unanimously for president of the UFE by the committee. The re- and newly elected vice presidents are: Ana Carmina Gamboa (PT), Lorna Merry (GBR), Dermot Brown (IRE), Miguel Angel Mayo (ESP), Rob Roodenrijs (NDL), Sabine Portela (FR), Arnaud Picard (FR) and Nuno Barroso (PT). Dermot Brown will be chairman of the customs committee and Sabine Portela head of the tax board. The auditors Pierre Pezzotta (LUX) und Joel Majerus (LUX) were reelected. The new general secretary of UFE is Mathilde Eggers.

The congress ended with a cultural day. The UFE was honored to perpetuate itself in Schengen with a little lock. In this case a big thank you to Monique Weintzen and Christian Faber for organizing the congress.


Do you have any Questions about the UFE and their Responsibilities?

Please let us know if you have any questions about us or our members and duties. We will get in touch with you as soon as we can.