
UFE TALK 23rd March 2021

Mar 15 2021 by

We are very happy to invite you and your colleagues to our first UFE TALK:

Most of our colleagues are working at home to reduce social contacts.
How can tradeunions and professional organizations stay in contact with our members during the COVID-19 pandemic?
How can we still gain new members and inform our existing members at home?
What problems are arrising with the new ways of working?

We would like to discuss best practises – what works in your countries? We really hope for your input to exchange experiences throughout Europe.

WHEN: 23rd March 2021, 16:30 CET
Where: VIA WEBEX Videoconference
HOW: please send an email to to register andvget the WEBEX invitation

We look forward to welcome you as one of our trade union representatives at our first UFE-TALK. Please feel free to spread this invitation to colleagues with functions in our member unions.


Do you have any Questions about the UFE and their Responsibilities?

Please let us know if you have any questions about us or our members and duties. We will get in touch with you as soon as we can.