
46th Commitee in Copenhagen

Oct 1 2012 by

The 46th Committee Congress, which was organised by DTS with the Vice President of UFE Jørn-Rise Andersen in Copenhagen in 2012, was marked by the partially dramatic im-pacts of the financial crisis on the tax and customs administrations in the affected countries. It was encouraging that Erling Andersen, a former Vice President of UFE, spoke to the delegates as a prominent representative of the Danish financial administration.
The accession of a further Portuguese Union in Copenhagen, namely APIT (Associacao dos Profissionais da Inspeccao Tributária), indicates that UFE is fulfilling its role as a strong representation of interests for the tax and customs administrations in Europe. Especially in an era of austerity policy, which contrary to any economic reason does not even exempt its revenue administrations from drastic cuts in staff and wages, UFE will assist its member unions as a strong and reliable partner in the future, too.


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